Steven L. Solnick


Managing Director, July 2024 – 

Storbeck Search excels in identifying new leadership for colleges, universities, independent and charter schools, and education-related nonprofit organizations. As Managing Director, I direct searches across all these sectors. I also consult with boards and educational leaders in areas such as executive coaching, performance evaluation, strategic planning and special initiatives.

The Calhoun School, New York, NY

Head of School, July 2017 – June 2024

A pioneering progressive preK-12 independent school on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, Calhoun is known for its open classroom architecture (“the school without walls”), innovative pedagogy and commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice. In 2022, Calhoun celebrated its 125th anniversary, and announced a merger with Metropolitan Montessori School intended to create a unique dual-track lower school, the first of its kind in the county. 


Warren Wilson College, Asheville, NC

President, July 2012 – June 2017

Founded in 1894 as the Asheville Farm School, Warren Wilson College is the only national liberal arts college that fully integrates on-campus work and community service into its curriculum. In addition to its innovative experiential program, the College and its 850 students are known for their strong commitment to environmental sustainability, diversity and social justice. The college also features a top-ranked low-residency MFA Program for Writers and a summer-long Swannanoa Gathering of music and folk arts workshops. 


Representative, New Delhi, 2008 – 2012

Responsible for programmatic and administrative leadership of the Foundation’s oldest and largest international office, building partnerships with government and civil society actors to advance the cause of social justice in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka.  Specific responsibilities included the following:


Representative, Moscow, Russia, 2002 - 2008

Responsible for programmatic and administrative leadership of the Foundation’s activities in the Russian Federation. (Note: The Foundation closed its Moscow office in 2009, in response to shifting political conditions.) 


Columbia University, New York, N.Y.

Assistant Professor of Political Science, 1993 – 1999

Associate Professor of Political Science, 1999 - 2002

Coordinator for Russian Studies, Harriman Institute 1994 – 2002


Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Instructor, Department of Government, 1991 – 1993

Teaching Fellow, 1987-1990

Research Associate, Russian Research Center and Center for International Affairs, 1985-1993

Fellow, Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies, 1990-1992


Booz, Allen and Hamilton, Inc., Arlington, Va.

Associate, Space Systems Practice, 1983-85

Consultant to NASA on commercial utilization of orbital systems including Space Shuttle and Space Station.

Board Service

Barnard College, New York, New York

Trustee, 2014-2022
Chair, Compensation Committee and Member Executive Committee, 2017-2022

Barnard College is the liberal arts college for women affiliated with Columbia University. 

Asheville Hub Alliance, Asheville, NC

Board Member, 2013-2017

The Asheville Hub Alliance is an association of governmental and nonprofit leaders in Asheville devoted to civic dialogue and economic development. Co-chaired (with Buncombe County School Superintendent) task force on the role of education in regional development, as part of an Asheville 2020 initiative.

President, Board of Governors (2011-12)

Secretary, Board of Governors (2010-11)

The AES Board of Governors is an elected volunteer body that manages the largest international K-12 school in India, with 1500 students, a faculty of approximately 150, an operating budget of approximately $30 million and a 12-acre campus in the diplomatic enclave of New Delhi. The Board President is the principal executive officer of the AES Association, which is the school’s governing body. 


Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Ph.D., Political Science, 1993

Kukin/Pew Scholar, Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies, 1991-93

Fulbright-Hays Fellow, Moscow State University, 1990-91

Oxford University (Worcester College), England

B.A. (First Class), Politics and Economics, 1983

Marshall Scholar, 1981 Class

M.I.T., Cambridge, MA

S.B., Physics, 1981

Phi Beta Kappa

Karl Taylor Compton Prize, 1981



Stealing the State: Control and Collapse in Soviet Institutions (Harvard University Press, 1998; paperback edition, 1999)

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Work, Service, and the Liberal Arts: Campus and Community as Pedagogical Resources,” in Peter Marber and Daniel Araya, eds., The Evolution of Liberal Arts in the Global Age (Routledge, 2017)

“The Paranoid Style in Russian Politics,” in Eugene B. Rumer and Celeste A Wallander, eds., Russia Watch: Essays in Honor of George Kolt  (The CSIS Press, 2007)

“Federalism and Statebuilding: Post-Communist and Post-Colonial Perspectives,” in Andrew Reynolds, ed., The Architecture of Democracy (Oxford University Press, 2002).

“Federalization” (Co-authored with Kathryn Stoner-Weiss and Beth Mitchneck). in Blair A. Ruble, Jodi Koehn, and Nancy E. Popson, eds., Fragmented Space in the Russian Federation (Woodrow Wilson Center Press 2001)

“Russia between States and Markets: Transnational and Subnational Pressures in the Transition,” in Aseem Prakash and Jeffrey Hart, eds., Responding to Globalization (Routledge, 2000)

“Is the Center Too Strong or Too Weak in Russia?” in Valerie Sperling, ed., Building the Russian State (Westview Press, 2000)

“Russia’s ‘Transition’: Is Democracy Delayed Democracy Denied?” Social Research, 66:3 (Fall 1999)

“Russia Over the Edge,” East European Constitutional Review, 7:4 (Fall 1998)

“Gubernatorial Elections in Russia: 1996-1997” Post-Soviet Affairs 14:1 (1998)

“Center and Periphery in the Russian Federation,” in Barnett Rubin and Jack Snyder, ed., Organizing the Former Soviet Space: Origins of Political Order and Conflict (M.E. Sharpe, 1998)

“The Political Economy of Russian Federalism: A Framework for Analysis,” Problems of Post-Communism, 43:6 (Nov.-Dec. 1996)

“The Breakdown of Hierarchies in the Soviet Union and China: A Neo-Institutional Perspective,” World Politics, 48:2 (January 1996)

“Federal Bargaining in Russia,” East European Constitutional Review, 4:4 (Fall 1995). Reprinted in the Russian edition (no.4 1995/no.1 1996)

“Bargaining over Russian Federalism,” POLIS: Politicheskie issledovaniia (no.6, 1995; in Russian)

“The Roots and Consequences of the New ‘Fathers and Sons’ Problem,” Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniia, no. 6, 1992, pp. 54-63 (in Russian)

“Revolution, Reform and the Soviet Telephone System, 1917-1927,” Soviet Studies, 43:1, (1991)

Book Reviews

Belin and Orttung, The Russian Parliamentary Elections of 1995 and McFaul and Russia’s 1996 Presidential Election in American Political Science Review 92:3 (September 1998)

White et al., Developments in Russian Politics 4 in Europe-Asia Studies 50:5 (July 1998)

Ferejohn and Weingast, The New Federalism: Can the States Be Trusted? in Political Science Quarterly 113:3 (1998)


"The Dubious Value of the Name Brand College," Unmastered Leadership Podcast, December 2020.

“The Putin Administration’s Policies toward the Non-Russian Regions of the Russian Federation,” testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 18 July 2001 (published).

“Constitution Watch—Russia,” Review of constitutional and political developments in Russia. Quarterly contribution to the East European Constitutional Review, Winter 1998 to 2002

“The New Federal Structure: More Centralized, or More of the Same?” Program on New Approaches to Russian Security (PONARS), Policy Memo No. 161, October 2000

“Putin and the Provinces,” Program on New Approaches to Russian Security (PONARS), Policy Memo No. 115, April 2000

“Methods of Central Control Over Russia’s Provinces and Prospects for the Future,” Program on New Approaches to Russian Security (PONARS), Policy Memo No. 97, November 1999

“Russia’s Assets Had Already Been Looted,” Journal of Commerce, 19 October 1999, p. 6.

“U.S. Influence Over Pseudo-Democracies Pales,” New York Newsday, 6 Feb. 1994, pp. 29-30

“Does the Komsomol Have a Future?” Radio Liberty Report on the USSR, 21 Sept. 1990, pp. 9-13

“Russia” and other post-Soviet states articles for World Book Year Book, 1994-2001

Selected Other Professional Activities

Conference and Workshop Organization

Workshop Organizer, "Anatomy of a School Merger," National Association of Independent Schools Annual Meeting, St. Louis, 2024 (Feb)

Division Chair, Communist and Post-Communist Politics Section, American Political Science Association Annual Meetings, Boston, 2002

Co-Organizer, “Geographies of Russia’s Transition: Questions of Place, Space, and Scale” One-Day conference co-sponsored by Harriman Institute and American Association of Geographers, New York, February 2001

Organizer and Chair, Harriman Institute Seminar Series on “State and Nation in the Post-Soviet World,” Columbia University, Jan-May 2001.

Organizer and Chair, Harriman-Saltzman Seminar on Contemporary Russian Politics and Economics, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, 1998-99.

Co-Organizer (with Prof. Kathryn Stoner-Weiss), Conference on “Hyper-Federalism: Russia’s Decentralization in Comparative Perspective,” Princeton University, February 9-10, 1996 (supported by grants from SSRC, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Macarthur Foundation, Princeton University, Harriman Institute)

Organizer, Harriman-SSRC Workshop on "Choice-Theoretic and Other Approaches to Studying Federalism and Regionalism in Multi-Ethnic Societies," Columbia Univ., February 1996

Organizer and Chair, Roundtables on the Russian Parliamentary Elections, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, November-December 1995

Other Activities

Presentations and Guest Lectures: Extensive. Furnished on Request

Media Appearances: Guest on Charlie Rose, PBS Newshour with Jim Lehrer, CNN, CNBC, National Public Radio, WNYC (New York), Worldview (WBEZ, Chicago), Voice of America, and others

Panel Chair and/or Discussant: APSA Annual Meetings (1993-2001); AAASS Annual Meetings (1993, 1996, 1998); Midwest Political Science Association Meetings (1998); Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) Annual Convention (1998-2001); Public Choice Meetings (1997); etc.

Reviewer: APSR, Comparative Politics, World Politics, Political Studies Quarterly, Social Research, Slavic Review, Foreign Affairs, International Security, Security Dialogue, National Science Foundation, United States Institute for Peace, Macarthur Foundation, Woodrow Wilson Center Press, Princeton University Press, Cambridge University Press, NYU Press, and others.

Accreditation Service: Visiting Committee Member and Chair, New York State Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS), Southern Association of College and Schools - Committee on Colleges (SACSCOC). 

Memberships: Council on Foreign Relations (Full Member)

Board Membership (see also Service above): Executive Committee Member, North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (2015-2017); Member (ex-officio) Board of Trustees, National Foundation for India (2009-2012); Member, Board of Trustees, Moscow Institute for Law and Public Policy (2001- 2002).

Languages: English (native), Russian (fluent), French (limited), Hindi (elementary).

Teaching and Advising

Courses Taught—Calhoun School

“American Political System” (elective on American Politics for high school juniors/seniors)

Courses Taught—Warren Wilson College

“Democracy” (Undergraduate seminar)

Courses Taught—Columbia

Contemporary Civilization” (Columbia College 2-semester core course)

“Senior Seminar in Comparative Politics: The Politics of Economic Reform”

“Russian Politics” (Intro Undergraduate Lecture Course)

“Post-Soviet States and Markets” (MIA/Advanced Undergrad Lecture Course)

“Comparative Politics Field Survey” (Introductory Ph.D. Level; co-taught)

“Comparing Institutions” (Ph.D. Level Colloquium)

“Making Markets” (Ph.D. Level Colloquium)

“Territorial Politics” (Ph.D. Level Colloquium)

Graduate Advising—Columbia

Sponsor or co-sponsor of ten dissertations completed 1994-2002

Hobbies and Interests


Birding (especially Bird Photography)

